Can I email my reports from GA4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has some limitations in report sharing compared to Universal Analytics (UA). Some of these limitations include:

  1. Limited access to data: In GA4, report sharing is limited to users who have been granted access to a specific property or view. This means that users cannot access data across multiple properties or views without being granted access to each one individually.

  2. No email sharing: In UA, it is possible to share reports via email. However, this feature is not currently available in GA4.

  3. Limited sharing options: In UA, reports can be shared with other users through a variety of methods, including email, export, and through the Google Analytics API. In GA4, the sharing options are limited to export and API.

  4. No built-in collaboration tools: In UA, users can collaborate on reports and make comments within the Google Analytics interface. In GA4, there is no built-in collaboration feature, so users will need to use external tools to collaborate on reports.

  5. Limited data export options: In UA, it is possible to export data in a variety of formats, including CSV, Excel, PDF and Google Sheets. However, in GA4, the data can only be exported in CSV format.

It's worth noting that Google is actively working on improving GA4 and may add some of the features that are currently missing from GA4, like report sharing.